Tai Calon Ends 2014 with a Seasonal Fundraiser

Tai Calon fundraiser christmas metrotile

Gwent-based Housing Association Tai Calon closed 2014 by raising £6500 for a very deserving cause – Christmas gifts, food and home energy for those in need.

The fundraiser involved contributions from Tai Calon’s suppliers and contractors including Metrotile. Barry Jordan, Metrotile’s Sales Director, is featured in the video below:


Jen Barfoot, Chief Executive of Tai Calon, said:

“I have been overwhelmed by the kindness of our suppliers and contractors.  It has been so fantastic to know that they, like us, really do want to make a difference to lives in Blaenau Gwent.”

You can read more about this story by visiting Tai Calon’s website via this link:
