Can a conservatory ever be thermally efficient?

Conservatory refurbished with a Metrotile Lightweight Roof System Shingle Charcoal

One of the main concerns of homeowners wanting to add a conservatory to their home is whether it will be a thermally efficient addition. As conservatories are primarily a glass structure, they often won’t be as good as conserving heat as the rest of your home, however, there are a number of ways to improve the efficiency of the room. Considering the following during construction will help you build a conservatory that is as thermally efficient as possible.

Energy efficient glass

When choosing the panels for your conservatory, check whether you can have triple glazed windows. Triple glazing is more efficient than double and single glazing and provides many benefits. Triple glazed panels will help retain temperature, reduce noise pollution and can be more secure than other panels.

Solid roofing

Installing solid roofing on your conservatory can really help retain warmth, allowing you to make full use of the space throughout the year. The solid roof you install should consist of lightweight roof tiles to avoid damaging the supporting walls, and you may need to adhere to building regulations regarding the appearance of the tiles. Choosing to have a solid roof instead of a glass one will also allow you to add insulation to your roof.


Adding insulation under your solid conservatory roofing will help prevent heat from leaving the room throughout the year. Any insulation you add needs to be lightweight so it doesn’t put too much pressure on the walls. You can read more about the type of insulation you should pick here.

Metrotile manufacture lightweight tiles that are suitable for use on a conservatory roof. Our tiles come in a range of different colours and profiles so you can match them to the existing tiles on the rest of your home. For more information about our products, please get in touch by calling 01249 658514.