Can Your Conservatory Handle the Weight of Adding a Solid Roof?

Conservatory refurbished with a Metrotile Lightweight Roof System Shingle Charcoal

In a previous blog we looked at whether you need new foundations when putting a solid roof on your conservatory, but what about the conservatory itself? A lot of people are worried about whether the fundamental structure of their conservatory can handle the addition of a solid roof. When making this decision, there are several issues you need to consider.

Wall panels

Most conservatories use panels with frames made of either glass or UPVC. These panels are not usually designed to carry the weight of a traditional solid roof, so you may need to add in additional support, such as steel pillars to carry the extra weight. Opting for a specialist lightweight solid roof, however, may mean that you do not need this extra support, allowing you to save money. Ultimately, it will depend on exactly what method has been used to make the structure of your conservatory and exactly how heavy the new roof will be. A reputable roofing company should be able to advise you on this and you can also check will your local buildings control officer.

Building regulations

Conservatories are normally exempt from building regulations, meaning they do not need to be built to the same standards as the rest of your home. However, any changes you make to the structure could means that it would no longer be exempt and would need to comply with building regulations. Whatever your plans, it is important to discuss them with your local planning officer as they will be able to advise you on staying legally compliant and help to make sure your final structure is safe.

Metrotile’s lightweight roofing makes the ideal conservatory roof replacement as it provides all the benefits of a solid roof, but weighs up to seven times less than traditional materials. To find out more, call Metrotile today on 01249 658 514 or use our contact form for a quick response.