How is a conservatory roof replacement installed?

Metrotile Lightweight Roofing Video Installation Guide Battens Metrotile Bond in Bronze

Glass or uPVC roofing for your conservatory is becoming increasingly more inconvenient, especially in the warmer summer days when it’s too hot to reside in. A conservatory roof replacement has become the answer, transforming the space into more of an extension rather than a sunroom.

The added insulation that a solid roof offers combats the odd temperatures to better regulate the room’s warmth. Getting a conversion requires a process to remove the existing roof and replace with a solid and tiled roof.
Glass or uPVC roofing
Typically, the glass or uPVC roofing will be need to be removed altogether. This can be done by a professional installation company, or an approved Metrotile contractor. Removing the roof altogether will provide a platform to begin building more secure rafters to support the weight of the roof that will be placed on top of it.
An installer will need to make the room watertight as soon as possible. Any items of furniture or belongings in the conservatory will need to be removed during the installation. Tarpaulin or covers could be used to protect the interior of the conservatory while the task of making the space watertight is complete. A new solid roof will provide much better protection against leakage and against weather elements, so although having an open conservatory is a hassle, the end results will outweigh the nuisance.
New roof installed
Once rafters have been installed and the room is completely watertight, an installer will begin laying the insulated roof tiles. Metrotile’s lightweight roofing is ideal for conservatory roofs as it poses no risk to the structure beneath and provides great insulation benefits. If your conservatory has a five way junction, watch the video below for installation advice.

For more information on Metrotile’s lightweight roofing, please get in touch with our team. You can call us on 01249 658 514 or fill in our contact form and we will be in touch.