What is the Best Roofing for Outbuildings?

Conservatory refurbished with a Metrotile Lightweight Roof System Shingle Charcoal Burnt Umber

When it comes to providing a roof for outbuildings such as workshops, sheds and stables there are a number of factors to consider. Your roofing will generally need to be lightweight as the buildings they are being fitted to often do not have strong enough foundations walls to support the weight of a traditional roof. The materials you choose must also perform well, providing a truly weather proof roof that will last for years to come. Finally, the product must be cost-effective as most people do not usually want to spend a fortune on their outbuildings.

Felt shingles

Felt shingles are a cheap and fairly effective way to quickly waterproof a roof. They can be easily cut to size and fitted and will add very little weight to the structure supporting them. However, the shingles will usually wear out fairly quickly and need replacing, meaning the initial saving can be a false economy. Poorly fitted or worn shingles will also tend to leak, so when it comes to long term weather proofing they can be a bad choice.

Corrugated Bitumen

Made of the same basic materials as felt shingles, corrugated bitumen is essentially an organic fibrous mat impregnated with bitumen and formed into a corrugated shape. Usually much thicker and stiffer than felt tiles, corrugated bitumen will usually offer fairly good waterproofing, but is a little harder to fit. It is relatively strong and light, but can tend to flex in strong winds, making it susceptible to damage and lifting.

Coated Steel

Lightweight coated steel roofing, such as Aquapan, offers the ideal roofing for outbuildings. Using steel as a base material results in roof panels that are both thin and incredibly strong, allowing them to offer the best performance without adding a lot of weight. The innovative coating applied to the steel makes it fully waterproof and prevents corrosion, meaning an Aquapan roof should be long-lasting. We offer a 15 year weatherproof guarantee, although in practice we expect an Aquapan roof to last at least 20 years.

Metrotile offer a range of lightweight roofing types providing the ideal solutions for many different applications. To find out more about the various options and which product is most suitable for your needs, call Metrotile today on 01249 658 514 or use our contact form for a quick response.