Which direction should a conservatory face?

Conservatory refurbished with a Metrotile Lightweight Roof System Shingle Charcoal

If you’re planning on having a conservatory added to your home, one of the first decisions you’re going to want to make is which direction it will face. While there are some traditional ‘rules’ regarding conservatories, here are the real factors you’ll need to consider when deciding where to position your extension.

Front or back garden?

There are a number of elements that contribute to whether you place your conservatory at the front, side, or rear of your house. There are a number of planning restrictions that prevent the construction of conservatories in particular areas so it is worth familiarising yourself with these before beginning any building work, or applying for planning permission.

You also need to consider other factors, such as will building a conservatory at the front of your property compromise privacy while using it, and where will the space get the greatest sun exposure.

Should it face south?

Though commonly it is thought that conservatories are only good if they are installed south-facing, this isn’t the case. South-facing conservatories will receive the highest amount of sunlight, but those that are east-facing will receive more light in the morning, and west-facing ones in the afternoon, so if you have a choice between these two directions, think about when you will use the space the most.

Despite north-facing conservatories receiving minimal sunlight, they can still become an extension to your home that is used often. Ample lighting and heating systems can help maximise the light and warmth, and installing solid roofing will help retain heat.

A solid roof can also help keep a conservatory cool in the warmer summer months, so is a good idea for all conservatories as it allows you to make full use it throughout the year. Solid roofing, such as our lightweight steel roofing can be used in a conservatory as it won’t put too much pressure on the load bearing walls.

Metrotile manufacture lightweight roofing tiles that are suitable for use on conservatory roofing. For more information about our products, please get in touch by calling 01249 658514.